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Quarterly Economic Review
Summary of domestic economic developments for the 2nd Quarter of 2006 - a brief summary of the economic outlook.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Initial data for the month of July indicated continued growth in economic activity, highlighted by sustained strengthening in consumer demand, tourism investment and construction activity. However, information for the first six months of the year rev...
Quarterly Statistical Digest
The lastest financial and economic statistics through the second quarter of 2006.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
For the month of June, domestic economic developments were underscored by continued expansion in foreign investment activity, and heightened growth in domestic demand, fueled in large measure by robust firming in private sector credit. The latest tou...
Surveys and Other Research Publications
Please download the entire document using the link below for a full overview of the Financial Sector in the Bahamas during 2005.
Quarterly Economic Review
For economic updates for the quarter ending March 31, 2006, please click on the link for complete viewing.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
During the month of May, economic activity in the domestic sector continued to be stimulated by robust tourism sector investment, domestic construction activity and firming in consumer demand. In addition, improvements in stopover visitors, combined...
Quarterly Economic Review
Summary of domestic economic developments for the 1st Quarter of 2006 - a brief summary of the economic outlook.
Quarterly Statistical Digest
The latest economic and financial statistics through the first quarter of 2006.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
During the month of April, domestic economic developments were sustained by continued strengthening in real estate investments and private sector demand. While the latest tourism data indicate a fall off in tourist arrivals during the first two month...
Quarterly Economic Review
For economic updates for the quarter ending December 31, 2005, please click on the link for complete viewing.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
The economy continued its expansion in March, buttressed by ongoing investments in the tourism sector and further accretions to private sector demand, as evidenced by the firming in mortgages, consumer credit and imports.
Quarterly Economic Review
Summary of domestic economic developments for the 4th Quarter of 2005 - a brief summary of the economic outlook.
Annual Reports
This report includes a comparative review of economic and financial developments in The Bahamas during 2005, an update on regulatory development affecting the financial sector during the year, a review of monetary policy developments, approved revisi...
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Preliminary evidence suggests that economic growth was sustained in February, underpinned by ongoing construction activity and firming consumer demand as evidenced by growth in commercial banks' mortgage and consumer loan portfolios.