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Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Indications are that the domestic economy sustained its modest growth during the review period. Tourism maintained a positive momentum, bolstered by activity in New Providence markets and the Family Islands unaffected by Hurricane Dorian. Further, on...
Main Publications
The Central Bank will introduce a digital version of the Bahamian dollar, starting with a pilot phase in Exuma in December 2019, and extending in the first half of 2020 to Abaco. This initiative has acquired the name Project Sand Dollar, with the san...
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Economic indicators suggest that domestic output maintained its upward, albeit modest, trajectory over the review period. In particular, tourism output continued to be supported by activity in the New Providence market, and the Family Islands unaffec...
Quarterly Economic Review
The Central Bank of The Bahamas is pleased to announce the release of its Quarterly Economic Review for the third quarter of 2019. The Review provides an examination of the performance of the domestic economy, as well as sectoral developments, princi...
Reports and Survey Forms
The Central Bank is pleased to announce the continuation of our annual Financial Sector Survey which was launched in 2000. In addition to the information that the Central Bank has regularly collected on the banking sector's contribution to the econom...
Quarterly Statistical Digest
QSD November 2019 is now available. Included in this edition is the first appearance of the new Government Finance Statistics tables with data presented using the International Monetary Fund's GFSM2014 methodology. For a complete viewing of monetary,...
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Indications are that, during the review period, the domestic economic activity remained mildly positive, following the passage of Hurricane Dorian. Specifically, tourism output was supported by gains in the New Providence market and the unaffected Fa...
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Domestic economic developments for the month of September were dominated by the passage of Hurricane Dorian, which resulted in a falloff in tourism relative to an average monthly strengthening during the first eight months. Nonetheless, positive impu...
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Domestic economic developments, which remained healthy through August, pre-dated the passage of Hurricane Dorian which caused extensive damages to private and public sector infrastructure in Grand Bahama and Abaco.
Quarterly Economic Review
The Central Bank of The Bahamas is pleased to announce the release of its Quarterly Economic Review for the Second Quarter of 2019. The Review provides an examination of the domestic economy’s performance, as well as sectoral developments
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Preliminary indications are that the domestic economy maintained its modest upward trajectory during the review period.
Quarterly Statistical Digest
QSD August 2019 is now available. For complete viewing of monetary, financial, fiscal and economic statistics through June 2019, please click on the document below.
Quarterly Economic Review
The Central Bank of The Bahamas is pleased to announce the release of its Quarterly Economic Review for the First Quarter of 2019. The Review provides an examination of the domestic economic performance.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
According to preliminary data, the modest-paced improvement in the domestic economy was sustained over the review period, with tourism sector output remaining buoyant, as evidenced by the continued record growth in high value-added stopover arrivals.
Surveys and Other Research Publications
Please download the entire document using the link below for a full overview of the Financial Sector in The Bahamas during 2018.