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General News
Initial data for the month of December suggest a slowing in the pace of economic activity, as signs of weakness in the tourism and construction sectors offset growth in consumer demand. Monetary developments featured an...
Public Notices
It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of The Bahamas that an entity styling itself "Universal Government Agencies Limited" (UGAL), purports to have entered a written agreement, dated 31st December, 2007 with t...
General News
Partial indications suggest a moderate rate of economic expansion during the month of November, amid signs of an improving tourism outturn and stable construction activity. In the monetary sector, liquidity levels were c...
General News
Preliminary data for October suggests that the Bahamian economy continued on a positive growth path, despite moderated contributions from foreign investment and tourism. Monetary developments featured seasonal increases...
General News
Indications are that the expansion in the Bahamian economy moderated somewhat during September, amid a leveling off in foreign investment inflow and tourism activity. Strengthened seasonal demand for foreign currency als...
General News
This article analyzes the results of the Central Bank's latest survey (2005) on private (sponsored) pension plans in The Bahamas. The available database on these activities now spans thirteen years, starting from 1992. A...
General News
Preliminary data for the second quarter of 2007 indicate that the Bahamian economy expanded at a more moderate pace, compared to the same period a year earlier, based largely on weakened tourism output and reduced growth...
General News
The QSD for August 2007 is now available. To view statistics as it relates to monetary, financial and economic statistics, please use the link below.
General News
Initial data for the month of July suggests some moderation in the pace of domestic economic growth, amid softened tourism performance and private sector investments, while the seasonal increase in demand for foreign cur...
Press Releases
The Central Bank of The Bahamas issued into circulation on September 3, 2007, a newly designed ten cent coin.
General News
Preliminary data indicate that the expansion in the Bahamian economy was sustained during the month of June, buoyed by demand stimulus from private sector credit expansion and healthy foreign investment inflows, which co...
General News
It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of The Bahamas that solicitations via email have been issued which purport that Michael Lightbourne, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of The Bahamas, is offering to cha...
General News
Preliminary evidence suggests steadied economic growth during the month of May, buoyed by ongoing construction activity on tourism-related investments, relative to moderated tourism inflows and subdued firming in domesti...
General News
The QER for March 2007 includes information on monetary and economic developments for the quarter.
General News
The Central Bank of The Bahamas (the Bank) has issued another revised version of the General Information and Application Guidelines for Private Trust Companies and Their Registered Representatives (the Guidelines), origi...