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Press Releases
De-risking is the purposeful rejection or termination of financial relationships with clients or groups of clients considered "high risk" to avoid, rather than manage, risks. It often manifests itself as the withdrawal o...
Press Releases
The Central Bank of the Bahamas is pleased to announce that during the period November 9-11, 2016, the Bank, in conjunction with the Caribbean Centre for Money and Finance (CCMF), will be hosting the XLVIII (48th) Annual...
Press Releases
Exchange Control Liberalisation - Foreign Currency Financing Survey
General News
Despite signs of stability during the month of September, the passage of hurricane Matthew in the first week of October caused significant disruption in economic activity in The Bahamas' two major economic centres, New P...
Public Notices
The Central Bank of The Bahamas will release to the secondary market, a portion of its holdings in Bahamas Government Registered Stock 2024.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of The Bahamas, I am pleased to announce that Bank is making a total donation of $200,000 to hurricane relief efforts in The Bahamas and Haiti.
Press Releases
In October, 2016, the Central Bank published a revised version of the Quarterly Economic Review for June 2016.
Press Releases
In the aftermath of the damages caused by Hurricane Matthew, and to facilitate access by households and business to credit facilities for relief purposes, the Central Bank of The Bahamas announces the temporary relaxatio...
Press Releases
The Central Bank of The Bahamas announces that it will make a $200,000 donation to recovery efforts following Hurricane Matthew. Staff and other resources of the Bank will also be volunteered, to the extent possible, to...
Public Notices
Initial Public Offering of $50 Million (5.40% Fixed; October 3, 2016 to October 3, 2036 - 20Y)
General News
Indications are that domestic economic activity was relatively weak during the review period. Notably, the tourism sector's performance remained subdued, while foreign investment projects provided some impetus for the co...
General News
The Central Bank of The Bahamas is pleased to announce the release of its Quarterly Economic Review for the Second Quarter of 2016. The Review provides an examination of the domestic economic performance, as well as sect...