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Gross Economic Contribution of the Financial Sector in The Bahamas (2004)
The Central Bank of the Bahamas announces the release of the results from its first Survey of Economic Activity.
This article provides an update on private pension plans in The Bahamas, based on the latest survey by the Central Bank, which covered the years 2002 and 2003.
The latest developments through the first half of 2004.
2003: Gross Economic Contribution of the Financial Sector in The Bahamas
2002: Gross Economic Contribution of Banks and Trust Companies in The Bahamas
This paper was published by the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, of the University of the West Indies: Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 49: Nos. 2&3 (June/September, 2000)
Measuring the Impact of Foreign Capital Flows in the Bahamian Tourism Industry