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Latest News

08 Sep
List of Banks and Trust Companies: 30/06/05

General News

The Central Bank of The Bahamas recently published the names of Banks and Trust Companies licensed in The Bahamas under the Banks and Trust Companies Regulation Act, 2000, as at 30th June, 2005.

05 Sep
The Bahamas Government: Capital Market Development Policy Statement

General News

The Government of The Bahamas released its Capital market policy, which is being posted on the Central Bank's website for public information.

The preamble to the policy reads as follows:


29 Aug
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments, July 2005

General News

Preliminary indications for the month of July showed that the growth momentum of the Bahamian economy continued to be underpinned by strong foreign investment inflows and a vibrant domestic housing market. Meanwhile, imp...

21 Aug
Quarterly Statistical Digest August 2005

General News

The Quarterly Statistical Digest for August 2005 is now available. Use the link below.

19 Aug
WARNING NOTICE, August 19, 2005

General News

The Central Bank of The Bahamas issues warnings about dealing with named persons, whether these are individuals or companies, to alert the public and the financial services sector, that where such persons offer banking o...

02 Aug
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments, June 2005

General News

The Bahamian economy continued to strengthen during the first six months of 2005, with intensifying foreign investment inflows and healthy domestic housing investments offsetting the slowdown in tourism receipts. Exchang...

18 Jul
Suspension of the Licence of Leadenhall Bank & Trust Company Limited and the Appointment of a Receiver

Press Releases

The Central Bank of The Bahamas has suspended the bank and trust licence of its licensee Leadenhall Bank and Trust Company Limited pursuant to section 18(2) and 18(4) of the Banks and Trust Companies Regulation Act, 2000...

18 Jul
DOS: Retail Price Index for June 2005

General News

The Department of Statistics has released its June 2005 figures for the retail price index. The attached report shows the basket of goods used to calculate the retail price index with explanations for any increases or de...

15 Jul
DOS: Labour Force & Household Income Survey Report 2004

General News

The report gives a details analysis of the Labour Force and Household Income in the Bahamas for 2004.

Please download the file for further information.

14 Jul
16th ARCBISS: Vendor Showcase

Press Releases

The 16th Annual Conference of Regional Central Banks' Information Systems Specialists (ARCBISS) is pleased to announce a Vendor Showcase from July 18, 2005

13 Jul
Correction to Economic Review

General News

The Bank has amended the article on the Gross Economic Contribution of the Financial Sector in The Bahamas (2004)

The reference to the value of fiduciary assets under management has been removed, as the re...

12 Jul
WARNING NOTICE, July 08, 2005

General News

The Central Bank of The Bahamas issues warnings about dealing with named persons, whether these are individuals or companies, to alert the public and the financial services sector, that where such persons offer banking o...

04 Jul
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments, May 2005

General News

Preliminary data for the first five months of 2005 indicate that the Bahamian economy continued to strengthen, underpinned by intensifying foreign investments which more than compensated for abated tourism receipts. Mean...

30 Jun
Launch of the Survey of Economic Activity for the First Half of 2005

General News

The Central Bank of The Bahamas is pleased to announce the continuance of the Survey on Economic Activity (SEA).

This time the Bank is soliciting views from private enterprises on the state of their operat...

21 Jun
Release of Quarterly Economic Review, Qtr 1 2005

General News

The Quarterly Economic Review for March 2005 is now available.

The report contains an update on the Central Bank's survey on the Gross Economic Contribution of the Financial Sctor to The Bahamas for 2004.<...