On September 23, 2014, the Central Bank of The Bahamas released a Consultation Paper on the Bahamas Credit Bureau Project (the BCB Project), and the key provisions of the Draft Credit Reporting Bill, 2014 and the Draft Credit Reporting Regulations, 2014. In furthering its work on the BCB Project, the Central Bank is issuing a Request For Solution, inviting qualified credit bureau operators, with international experience in operating credit bureaus, to submit proposals to apply for a license to establish and operate a credit bureau in The Bahamas. Responses to the Request For Solution must be sent no later than the 23rd February, 2015, to the Governor, Central Bank of The Bahamas, by courier service, to the address below. A confirmation call or voice mail or email message to indicate that the package has been sent, is also required. Receipt of the package would be acknowledged either by email or telephone.
Mrs. Wendy Craigg
Central Bank of The Bahamas
Frederick Street
P O Box N 4868
Nassau Bahamas
Email: [email protected]
Telephone Number: (242) 302-2700
For more information, please click on the link below.