Press Release
1st NOVEMBER 2021
Authorised Agents’ Operation of Foreign Currency Denominated Trading Accounts for Residents
Effective October 1, 2021, the Central Bank announced the resumption of the Investment Currency Market (‘ICM”)[1]and Bahamian Depositary Receipt programmes. In light of this, the Central Bank reminds Authorised Agents of the liberalised environment for foreign currency denominated trading accounts and confirms the following administrative details:
With effect from February 1 2018, the Central Bank approved a new framework to allow Bahamian residents more flexibility to operate and maintain foreign currency denominated trading accounts with resident trust companies (Authorised Agents). Residents will be permitted to trade within blanket approvals that apply to the approved account or portfolios rather than to each trade within the portfolio. These facilities must be funded in foreign currency obtained through the ICM.
Application – Client Trading
The Agent must make application to the Exchange Control Department on
each client’s behalf. The following information and documents should be
An Exchange Control approval will be granted on the following conditions:
See the website links for further details: item 1.iii. 2019-06-25-10-11-49-Exchange-Controls----Revised-Capital-Account-Measures.pdf ( and page 4 of the narrative 2019-06-25-10-11-49-Relaxation-of-Exchange-Control-Arrangements.pdf (
1st November 2021
[1] The use of investment currency is prescribed for Bahamian residents’ purchase of foreign currency securities from non-residents and also for their direct investments abroad, via the Investment Currency Market which is conducted by commercial banks (Authorised Dealers) in The Bahamas. The premium bid and offer rates are 5.0% and 2.5%, respectively, at this time.